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Find Your Unique ID on Your TEAL Profile (Educators)

You can view your Unique ID number (Uniq-ID) on your TEAL profile. (If you are an educator and do not yet have a TEAL profile, follow instructions at https://tea.texas.gov/WorkArea/linkit.aspx?LinkIdentifier=id&ItemID=2147512257 to create one.)

To find your Unique ID on your TEAL user account:

1.   Log in at https://pryor.tea.state.tx.us/ with your TEAL user name and password.
2.  Click EDIT MY USER INFORMATION in the Self-Service menu on the left.
3.  Look for the Uniq-ID label under the section with your name information.
     The ten-digit UID is next to it.

If there is no Uniq-ID, click on the Click Here link and fill in the SSN and other information required to match your profile to your Uniq-ID.

Please note that your district, charter school, or employing organization also have your Unique ID number on file. (It is not the same number as your TEA ID, used for educator certification testing.)

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